The Chamber of Commerce of Savona - The Chamber of Commerce

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The Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce is an independent institution dealing with public issues such as day to day running of companies and promoting and nurturing development in the local economy.

It is open to everyone, and it has close links with the territory's business community, companies and public administration giving it a pivotal role in the economy.

A brief history
The Chamber of Commerce's roots can be traced back to ancient history: from the opificum mercatorum collective during Ancient Rome to the Corporation of Arts and Crafts in Medieval times. The first organization to take the name "Chamber of Commerce" was founded in France (in Marseille, 1599). After being supressed by the French Revolution due to its links to the aristocracy, it was revived by Napoleon.
Sixty years after he'd created the Genova Chamber of Commerce, Liguria was annexed by France, and the Savona Chamber of Commerce and Arts was founded by Royal Decree on 19th January 1865 with jurisdiction over the Sabazio territory, later expanded to include the territory of Albegna in the same year.

The administrative area of Savona released its manifesto on 2nd June 1865 which detailed the founding of the first Council Chamber at the Communal Palace on the 4th June, containing 9 members who'd been elected on the 7th May 1865.
Angelo Ponzone was the President, and Angelo Frugone was the vice president.
In 1896 the Council had 11 members. There were 15 in 1902, 17 in 1908, 21 in 1991 and 25 in 1921.
During the fascist years the name "Chamber of Commerce and Industry" changed again to "Provincial Council for Economy" and then "for Corporate Economy" and lastly "for Corporations" before the present public image of the Chamber became established.

All of the laws concerning the Council and Provincial Financial Offices were absorbed into one single act, given royal approval on 20th September 1934.
When fascism fell, the corporative system was abolished and the institutions underwent a period of change.
A temporary solution was found on the 21st September 1944, which replaced the Council with the "Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture".

The title "Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture" was introduced on 26th September 1966.
The present arrangement was laid down in Law no. 580 on 29th December 1993 ("Reorganisation of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture"), which sanctioned a reform of the Chamber after a wait of fifty years. With the reform laws the Chamber of Commerce became an autonomous institution in terms of constitution, organization and finance.

With the statutory authority and increased responsibilities, the Chamber of Commerce is now a focus point for businesses and for the local economy, with a clear mission: to serve the local economy, and to improve our ability to answer any question from any business about their needs.


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